Tuck Cast
This is a brilliant cast, especially when fishing heavy bugs for Grayling, but it can be used successfully for several other species too. “Why such a good cast”? because it is ideal for getting your bug/s down deep very quickly, whilst at the same time eliminating drag which is often caused by your fly line touching down too early in the cast.
“So how does it work”?
Well, bearing in mind that the fly line will only follow the path that the rod tip takes during your cast, and therefore the leader and fly can only follow the path of the fly line, if you therefore send the rod tip higher than usual on the forward delivery of a conventional Overhead cast then incorporate a very firm high stop, coupled with a slight pull back of the rod tip, your fly, or flies, will still come directly over the rod tip as normal, but this time coming to a very abrupt stop at the extremity of the forward cast.
“So what will this do”?
“Yes you’ve guessed it”! As your fly line progressively increases in speed, this high abrupt stop will cause your leader, and more importantly your heavy flies, (which is what we would generally use when employing this technique) to turnover abruptly, causing them to tuck down sharply towards the water, much quicker than your fly line will, thus plopping your flies into the water with meaning, (which can be an attraction in itself) and therefore sinking much quicker than they normally would, reaching the fish much quicker too, before being pulled away by the current.

This can be a great bonus if you only have a small pocket of water to fish before the faster current takes over, which in normal circumstances would drag your bug/s away almost immediately.